Navraj Singh Goraya, referred to expertly as Nav, has quickly ascended to unmistakable quality in the music business as a rapper, vocalist, and maker.

With his exceptional mix of melodic rap and entrancing beats, Nav has dazzled crowds around the world. Close by his melodic gifts, Nav has additionally taken prominent steps in building his total assets.

We should dig into Nav’s monetary achievement and investigate his total assets

Nav Net Worth

Nav’s net worth is estimated to be around $20 million. Notwithstanding, it was his relationship with individual Canadian rapper Drake that moved his vocation higher than ever.

Nav acquired critical consideration subsequent to teaming up with Drake on the hit tune “One after the other” in 2015, which cemented his presence in the music business.

Full NameNavraj Singh Goraya
Birth DateToronto, Canada
Birth PlaceNovember 3, 1989
ProfessionRappers, Songwriter
Marital StatusMarried
Net Worth$20 Million

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Nav Assets

Nav, the gifted rapper, vocalist, and maker, has not freely revealed itemized data about his resources.

Notwithstanding, as an effective performer with a developing total assets, it is sensible to expect that Nav has put resources into different resources for expand his portfolio and secure his monetary future.

One of Nav’s huge resources is probably going to be his music index. With numerous fruitful collections, mixtapes, and joint efforts added to his repertoire, Nav’s music index holds huge worth.

The eminences produced from his music deals, streaming stages, and authorizing bargains add to his general riches.

Nav’s pioneering soul recommends that he might have put resources into different endeavors past his music vocation.

In the same way as other specialists in the business, he might have investigated open doors in style, product, or even innovation.

Brand organizations, endorsements,and sponsorship arrangements may likewise frame a piece of his resource portfolio.

Land is much of the time a famous speculation decision for high-procuring people, and it is conceivable that Nav has obtained properties as a component of his resource portfolio.

Nav Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$20 Million
Net Worth in 2022$19 Million
Net Worth in 2022$18 Million
Net Worth in 2021$17.5 Million
Net Worth in 2020$17 Million
Net Worth in 2019$16 Million

Nav, the capable performer, has encountered colossal progression in his total assets for the most part through his occupation.

The figures for his full scale assets improvement could change, it is clear that his outcome in the music business has added to his rising riches.

Nav’s outing to reputation started during the 2010s, yet it was his joint undertakings with striking gifted laborers and his stepping to The Weeknd’s name, XO, and Republic Records that instigated him to extra crucial levels.

His progress went with the presence of his show mixtape, “The Show,” in 2016, which gathered thought and spread out the groundwork for his following achievement.

Following the presence of his show mixtape, Nav kept on conveying music that resonated with swarms, including hit singles and useful undertakings like the mixtapes “Incomprehensible karma” and “Regular concealed Young person EP,” as well as arrangements typically like “Crazy” and “Pessimistic approaches to acting.”

His capacity to mix melodic rap in with strong gets and spellbinding creation has assisted him with saving a serious fan base and make business progress.

Nav’s making recognizable quality and obvious music discharges have likely accomplished broadened collection deals, streaming compensation, and visiting benefit.

As his fan base grows, so does his getting potential, inciting an essential expansion in his total assets. Notwithstanding his music calling, Nav has further developed his revenue streams through different endeavors.

His item offering, joint undertakings with setup brands, and support bargains have added to his general full scale assets improvement.

By investigating these extra roads, Nav has extended his getting potential and widened his cash related portfolio.

Nav Early Life & Background

Nav, whose genuine name is Navraj Singh Goraya, was brought into the world on November 3, 1989, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

He was brought up in a Punjabi family and experienced youth in the Rexdale neighborhood of Toronto.

Growing up, Nav supported an energy for music and started endeavoring different things with creation and songwriting at every turn.

He moved forward his abilities in the background, filling in as a maker and entertainer for different specialists prior to meandering into the spotlight as a free subject matter expert.

Nav’s fundamental significant encounters and social foundation predominantly impact his music.

His Punjabi legacy and his childhood in an other city like Toronto have molded his stand-apart sound and melodic substance.

His music routinely sets portions of hip-skip, R&B, and Punjabi music, making a mix that requesting to a wide gathering.

He has conveyed in interviews that he sought after music as a technique for getting away from the difficulties he confronted growing up and as a way to deal with bestow his considerations imaginatively.

Nav’s fundamental encounters and affirmation to turn out to be notable in the music business spread out the reason for his prosperity.

His energy for music and his obligation to his greatness have pushed him from his certifiable early phases to changing into a clear figure in the music scene.

Nav Career

Nav’s bringing in the music business started as a maker and lyricist prior to progressing to a useful free trained professional.

He at first acquired appreciation for his creation work, adding to tracks by prominent experts like Drake, Travis Scott, and The Weeknd.

Notwithstanding, it was his choice to fan out from in the background and seek after a show work that really prompted him to the uncommonly front.

In 2015, Nav began conveying his own music on SoundCloud, coherently fabricating a gave fan base and getting thought inside the business.

His excellent mix of melodic rap, brilliant refrains, and natural creation reverberated with swarm people, gathering him a making following.

Nav’s movement came when he got the eye of individual Canadian expert The Weeknd. In 2016, Nav helped out The Weeknd on the track “Some Way,” which showed up on The Weeknd’s collection “Starboy.”

The joint effort cemented Nav’s presence in the music business and incited his checking with The Weeknd’s name, XO, and Republic Records.

In February 2017, Nav conveyed his self-named mixtape, “NAV,” which got positive audits and topped at number 24 on the Declaration 200 outline.

The undertaking highlighted hit singles like “Myself” and “Up,” further fanning out Nav as a rising star in the business. Following the aftereffect of his show mixtape, Nav kept on conveying music that resonated with swarms.

In 2018, he conveyed the pleasing combination “Shocking karma” with Metro Boomin, which appeared at number 13 on the Board 200.

The arrangement highlighted eminent tracks like “Imply Me as” and “Minute,” setting Nav’s presence in the hip-skip scene.

Nav’s resulting exercises, including the mixtapes “Normal toned Young person EP” and “Crisis Storm,” as well as the combinations “Crazy” and “Obscenities,” have besides affected his work.

His music grandstands a mix of brilliant tunes, clever verses, and strong creation, charming to a broad gathering.

Notwithstanding his show work, Nav has teamed up with various specialists, including Lil Uzi Vert, Gunna, and Travis Scott.

He has besides left on useful visits, playing out his music to vivacious social events from one side of the world to the other.

Nav’s work keeps on flourishing as he investigates new melodic regions and helps out industry heavyweights.

His unique style, connecting with refrains, and obvious movements have added to his making achievement and spread out his status as one of the certain voices in contemporary hip-bob.

Nav Personal Life

Nav, whose veritable name is Navraj Singh Goraya, is known for keeping a to some degree secret individual life.

He jumps at the chance to keep his own life separate from his master endeavors and spotlights mainly on his music calling.

Nav is known for his pondering and deep down resolved sections, which regularly address subjects of self-reflection, associations, and individual experiences.

His music grants crowd individuals to communicate with him on a more significant level, as he shares his examinations and sentiments through his art.

No matter what his hankering for security, Nav has shared a couple of pieces of information into his own life through gatherings and virtual diversion.

He has offered gratitude for his fans’ assistance and has habitually referred to the meaning of staying on target and focused on his strength.

Nav’s music reflects his journey, improvement, and the experiences that have shaped him as a specialist. Nav’s commitment to his music is clear in his dedicated disposition and commitment to finishing his craft.

He as often as possible burns through broadened periods in the studio, stepping up his capacities and making music that resonates with his group.

His excitement for music and his hankering to share his records through his specialty have been central purposes in his own and capable life.


Nav’s rising to obviousness in the music business has been joined by a tremendous development in his all out resources.

Through his melodic endeavors, spearheading experiences, and composed endeavors with striking subject matter experts, Nav has set his circumstance as a rising star and has manufactured a critical fortune.

As he continues to create as a skilled worker and research new entryways, it will be spellbinding to see how Nav’s complete resources further advances sooner rather than later.


What is Nav’s net worth?

Nav’s net worth is estimated to be around $20 million. However, it’s important to note that net worth can fluctuate over time due to various factors such as album sales, concert tours, endorsements, and investments.

How did Nav accumulate his net worth?

Nav accumulated his net worth primarily through his music career. As a rapper, singer, and producer, he has released several successful projects and collaborated with renowned artists.

His album sales, streaming revenue, concert tours, and merchandise sales have contributed significantly to his net worth.

Additionally, Nav may have additional income from endorsements, brand partnerships, and investments.

Has Nav won any awards for his music?

Nav has not received any major awards or nominations. However, his music has been well-received by fans and has achieved commercial success, which is a testament to his talent and popularity within the industry.

How has Nav’s net worth changed over the years?

Nav’s net worth has likely experienced growth over the years as he has gained popularity and released successful music.

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