Raghav Chadha is an Indian politician and member of the Aam Aadmi Party. He is the youngest Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha from Punjab, India.

He was the former Vice Chairman of the Delhi Jal Board and MLA from the Rajendra Nagar assembly constituency in Delhi till 2022.

Raghav Chadha Net Worth

Raghav Chadha’s net worth is around $60,000. Net worth figures for individuals, especially those involved in politics, can be challenging to determine due to the diverse nature of their income sources and the potential influence of public office on their finances.

Full NameRaghav Chadha
Birth DateNovember 11, 1988
Birth PlaceCentral Delhi, India
Chartered Accountant
Marital StatusMarried
Net Worth$60,000

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Raghav Chadha Assets

Raghav Chadha’s assets details about an individual’s assets, especially public figures like politicians, are often not readily available or disclosed for privacy and security reasons.

Raghav Chadha Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$60,000
Net Worth in 2023$59,000
Net Worth in 2022$58,500
Net Worth in 2021$58,200
Net Worth in 2020$58,000
Net Worth in 2019$57,500

Raghav Chadha’s net worth of individuals, especially politicians, can be challenging to determine accurately, as it involves various factors, including income from political roles, business ventures, investments, and other sources.

Raghav Chadha Early Life & Background

Raghav Chadha is an Indian politician associated with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

Here is some information about his early life:

Birth and Education: Raghav Chadha was born on November 5, 1988, in Delhi, India. He pursued his education in law and holds a degree in Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. He was actively involved in various student activities during his time at the university.

Political Inclination: Raghav Chadha had an early interest in politics and social issues. His association with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), a political party known for its anti-corruption stance and emphasis on grassroots democracy, marked the beginning of his political journey.

Professional Background: Before entering politics, Raghav Chadha worked in the corporate sector. He gained experience in the finance domain, which later became valuable in his political career.

Raghav Chadha Career

Raghav Chadha’s career is marked by his association with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and his active involvement in Indian politics.

Here’s an overview of his political career

Association with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP): Raghav Chadha joined the Aam Aadmi Party, a political party in India known for its anti-corruption stance and commitment to transparency.

The party, formed in 2012, gained significant traction for its people-centric approach to governance.

Early Political Roles: Raghav Chadha has been a prominent spokesperson for AAP. His articulate communication skills and ability to convey the party’s message contributed to his role as a spokesperson.

Contested Elections: Raghav Chadha contested the 2019 Lok Sabha elections from the South Delhi constituency on an AAP ticket.

Although he did not win, his participation in the electoral process showcased his commitment to active participation in governance.

Finance and Economic Affairs: Raghav Chadha’s background in law and finance became a valuable asset in his political career.

His understanding of financial matters has been reflected in his role in economic and financial affairs discussions within the party.

Role in Policy Formulation: Raghav Chadha has been involved in policy discussions within AAP. His contributions to shaping the party’s stance on economic issues and governance have been notable.

Grassroots Engagement: Raghav Chadha has actively engaged with the youth, representing a new generation of leaders in Indian politics.

His outreach to young voters and emphasis on issues affecting them contribute to AAP’s broader appeal.

Social and Community Initiatives: Apart from his political roles, Raghav Chadha has been involved in various community initiatives.

This includes participation in events, discussions, and programs aimed at addressing the concerns of the public.

Raghav Chadha Personal Life

Raghav Chadha is a politician associated with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in India.

Here’s a general overview of his personal life

Early Life and Education: Raghav Chadha was born on November 5, 1988. He pursued his education in law and finance.

His academic background and professional expertise in finance have been valuable assets in his political career.

Political Journey: Raghav Chadha’s entry into politics is marked by his association with the Aam Aadmi Party, a political party known for its focus on anti-corruption measures and people-centric governance.

He has been active in various capacities within the party, serving as a spokesperson and playing a role in economic and financial affairs discussions.

Contested Elections: He contested the 2019 Lok Sabha elections from the South Delhi constituency on an AAP ticket.

Although he did not win, his participation in electoral politics showcased his commitment to making a difference through active participation.

Social and Community Engagement: In addition to his political roles, Raghav Chadha has been involved in various social and community initiatives.

Engaging with the public and addressing their concerns is an essential aspect of his political and community work.


What Contributes to a Politician’s Net Worth?

  • Salary: Politicians receive a salary for their roles, and this can vary depending on the position.
  • Investments: Some politicians may have investments in businesses, stocks, or other ventures.
  • Private Sector Roles: Some politicians continue to be involved in private sector activities, contributing to their income.
  • Publications and Speaking Engagements: Politicians often write books, give speeches, or engage in other public activities that contribute to their income.

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