Hitman Holla, born Gerald Fulton Jr., is a prominent figure in the world of battle rap and entertainment. With his electrifying performances, quick wit, and sharp lyricism, he has carved out a significant presence in the hip-hop community.

Beyond his rap battles, Hitman Holla has diversified his portfolio with ventures in television, music, and entrepreneurship.

In this article, we delve into the net worth of Hitman Holla, examining how he amassed his wealth and his journey to success

Hitman Holla Net Worth

Hitman Holla’s net worth is around $10 Million. His earnings come from various sources, including battle rap appearances, television projects, music releases, endorsements, and entrepreneurial ventures.

Real NameGerald Fulton Jr
Birth DateMarch 29, 1988
Birth PlaceMissouri, United States
ProfessionBattle Rapper
Marital StatusNot Married
Net Worth$10 Million

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Hitman Holla Assets

Hitman Holla, known for his prowess in battle rap and his vibrant presence on television, has accumulated a variety of assets throughout his career.

Here are some assets that Hitman Holla may possess

Property: As a successful entertainer and entrepreneur, Hitman Holla may own real estate properties, including primary residence and investment properties.

Vehicles: With his financial success, Hitman Holla likely owns luxury vehicles or custom rides that reflect his style and taste.

Investments: Hitman Holla may have diversified his portfolio with investments in stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, and other financial instruments.

Business Ventures: As an entrepreneur, Hitman Holla may have ownership stakes in various businesses, such as clothing lines, record labels, or entertainment companies.

Personal Brand: Hitman Holla’s brand, built through his career in battle rap, television appearances, and endorsements, is a valuable asset.

His brand equity allows him to command lucrative deals and partnerships with brands seeking to leverage his influence.

Intellectual Property: Hitman Holla’s creative works, including his rap lyrics, music recordings, and television appearances, represent valuable intellectual property assets that contribute to his overall net worth.

Hitman Holla Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$10 Million
Net Worth in 2023$7 Million
Net Worth in 2022$5 Million
Net Worth in 2021$4.5 Million
Net Worth in 2020$4 Million
Net Worth in 2019$3.5 Million

Hitman Holla has experienced significant growth in his net worth over the years. His rising prominence, successful ventures, and diverse sources of income have undoubtedly contributed to his increasing wealth.

Let’s explore some factors that likely contribute to the growth of Hitman Holla’s net worth

Battle Rap Career: Hitman Holla gained widespread recognition and acclaim for his skills as a battle rapper.

With each successful battle and high-profile performance, he likely commands higher appearance fees, sponsorships, and endorsement deals, contributing to his growing net worth.

Television Appearances: Hitman Holla’s appearances on popular television shows, including MTV’s “Wild ‘N Out,” have not only expanded his fan base but also provided him with lucrative opportunities.

These television appearances likely come with substantial compensation, further bolstering Holla’s net worth.

Entrepreneurial Ventures: Hitman Holla has demonstrated his business acumen by diversifying his income streams through entrepreneurial ventures.

Whether it’s launching his clothing line, endorsing products, or investing in other business opportunities, each successful venture adds to his overall net worth.

Endorsements and Sponsorships: As a well-known personality in the entertainment industry, Hitman Holla attracts endorsements and sponsorships from various brands seeking to leverage his influence and reach. These partnerships often come with significant financial rewards, contributing to his net worth growth.

Social Media Presence: With a large following on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, Hitman Holla has built a valuable personal brand.

His social media presence likely translates into lucrative brand partnerships, sponsored content, and advertising revenue, all of which contribute to his net worth growth.

Investments and Financial Management: Hitman Holla’s financial success is also attributed to smart investments and effective financial management.

By diversifying his investment portfolio and making sound financial decisions, he can grow his wealth over time through asset appreciation and passive income streams.

Hitman Holla Early Life & Background

Hitman Holla, whose real name is Gerald Fulton Jr., was born on March 29, 1988, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Growing up in the streets of St. Louis, Hitman Holla was exposed to the realities of urban life from an early age.

Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, he showed a natural talent for lyrical expression and began honing his skills as a battle rapper.

As a teenager, Hitman Holla attended Normandy High School in St. Louis, where he excelled academically and athletically.

He was particularly passionate about basketball and played as a shooting guard for his high school team.

However, it was his gift for wordplay and verbal combat that ultimately paved the way for his career in battle rap.

Even during his formative years, Hitman Holla was known for his quick wit, sharp tongue, and charismatic stage presence.

His ability to deliver clever punchlines and captivating performances quickly earned him recognition within the local hip-hop scene.

Encouraged by his early successes, he began participating in rap battles and local cyphers, where he sharpened his skills and earned respect as a formidable lyricist.

Hitman Holla Career

Hitman Holla’s career in the world of battle rap began to gain traction in the mid-2000s when he started participating in local rap battles and cyphers in St. Louis.

His charismatic stage presence, sharp delivery, and clever punchlines quickly caught the attention of the battle rap community, earning him a reputation as a rising star.

One of Hitman Holla’s early breakthrough moments came when he competed on the popular rap battle platform, URL (Ultimate Rap League).

His memorable performances and electrifying stage presence set him apart from his peers, and he soon became one of the most sought-after battle rappers in the industry.

Hitman Holla’s rise to prominence continued as he secured high-profile battles against some of the biggest names in the battle rap scene.

His confrontational style, witty lyricism, and captivating stage presence earned him a loyal fan base and cemented his status as one of the top-tier battle rappers in the world.

Hitman Holla Personal Life

Hitman Holla, whose real name is Gerald Fulton Jr., was born on March 29, 1988, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Despite his fame in the battle rap world, he has kept many details of his personal life private. However, some information about his personal life has surfaced over the years.

Hitman Holla is known to be close to his family and often shares glimpses of his personal life on social media.

Hitman has a son named Kayden, whom he adores and frequently posts about on his social media accounts.

Hitman Holla’s love for his son is evident in the heartwarming posts and photos he shares, showcasing his role as a devoted father.

In addition to his family life, Hitman Holla is known for his philanthropic efforts and community involvement.

He has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at giving back to his community and supporting underprivileged youth in St. Louis.


Hitman Holla has cemented his legacy as one of the most influential figures in the world of battle rap and entertainment.

From humble beginnings in Ferguson to becoming a household name, he has overcome obstacles and achieved remarkable success in his career.

With his talent, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit, Hitman Holla continues to inspire audiences worldwide and pave the way for future generations of artists.


What is Hitman Holla’s net worth?

Hitman Holla’s net worth is around $10 Million. His earnings come from various sources, including battle rap appearances, television projects, music releases, endorsements, and entrepreneurial ventures.

How does Hitman Holla make his money?

Hitman Holla makes money primarily through his career as a battle rapper, where he participates in rap battles, events, and tournaments.

Additionally, he earns income from brand endorsements, appearances, acting roles, and other business ventures.

Has Hitman Holla won any major rap battles?

Yes, Hitman Holla is known for his impressive performances in rap battles and has won numerous battles throughout his career.

He has competed in high-profile rap battle leagues such as URL (Ultimate Rap League) and has faced off against some of the biggest names in the battle rap scene.

Apart from battle rap, what other ventures is Hitman Holla involved in?

In addition to his successful career as a battle rapper, Hitman Holla has ventured into acting, appearing in various television shows and movies.

He has also launched his own merchandise line and is involved in philanthropic efforts aimed at supporting his community.

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