India Royale, also known as India Westbrooks, has captured the attention of millions through her work as a social media influencer, model, and reality television personality.

With her distinctive style, captivating presence, and entrepreneurial spirit, India Royale has established herself as a prominent figure in the world of fashion and entertainment.

India Royale Net Worth

India Royale’s net worth is estimated $2 Million, reflecting her success as a social media influencer, model, reality television personality, and entrepreneur.

Her diverse revenue streams, including brand partnerships, modeling contracts, television appearances, and business ventures, contribute to her financial prosperity.

Real NameIndia Royale
Birth DateMarch 9, 1995
Birth PlaceIllinoisUnited States
ProfessionSocial Media Influencer
Instagram Star,
Marital StatusNot Married
Net Worth$2 Million

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India Royale Assets

India Royale’s assets are not publicly available. As a prominent social media influencer, model, reality television personality, and entrepreneur,

India Royale likely possesses a diverse range of assets that contribute to her overall wealth and financial stability.

These assets may include

Real Estate: India Royale may own residential properties, including a primary residence and investment properties, in desirable locations.

Investments: As a savvy entrepreneur, India Royale may have invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other financial instruments to diversify her portfolio and generate additional income.

Business Ventures: India Royale has launched her own fashion line, indicating that she likely owns assets related to her fashion brand, such as inventory, intellectual property, and equipment.

Luxury Items: As a fashion icon, India Royale may own valuable designer clothing, accessories, jewelry, and other luxury items.

Vehicles: India Royale may own one or more vehicles for personal use, such as luxury cars or SUVs.

Cash and Savings: India Royale likely maintains a significant amount of cash and savings in various accounts to fund her lifestyle and future endeavors.

India Royale Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$2 Million
Net Worth in 2023$1.8 Million
Net Worth in 2022$1.5 Million
Net Worth in 2021$1.3 Million
Net Worth in 2020$1 Million
Net Worth in 2019$0.7 Million

India Royale’s net worth has experienced significant growth over the years, reflecting her success as a social media influencer, model, reality television personality, and entrepreneur.

Factors Contributing to Net Worth Growth

Social Media Influence: India Royale initially gained fame through social media platforms like Instagram, where she garnered a large following due to her stunning photos and engaging content.

As her popularity grew, so did her opportunities for brand partnerships, sponsored content, and endorsements, resulting in increased earnings from social media.

Modeling Career: India Royale’s striking looks and fashion-forward style have led to modeling opportunities with prominent brands and publications.

Her success as a model has likely resulted in lucrative modeling contracts and endorsements, further bolstering her income and net worth.

Reality Television: India Royale’s appearance on the reality series “The Westbrooks” provided her with a platform to showcase her personality and lifestyle to a wider audience.

Reality television appearances often come with financial compensation, contributing to her overall net worth.

Entrepreneurship: India Royale’s foray into entrepreneurship, particularly with the launch of her own fashion line, has been instrumental in her net worth growth.

Revenue generated from her fashion brand, including sales of clothing and accessories, adds to her income and overall net worth.

Brand Collaborations and Partnerships: India Royale’s status as a fashion influencer and social media personality has made her a sought-after collaborator for brands looking to reach her extensive audience.

Collaborations and partnerships with brands across various industries likely result in additional income and opportunities for growth.

India Royale Early Life & Background

India Royale was born on March 9, 1995, in Illinois, USA. She grew up alongside her four sisters: Brooke, Morgan, Bree, and Crystal.

From a young age, India showed a keen interest in fashion, style, and self-expression, laying the foundation for her future career as a social media influencer and fashion icon.

India’s early life was marked by her exploration of various creative outlets, including photography and modeling.

As social media platforms began to gain popularity, India recognized the potential to showcase her distinctive style and personality to a broader audience.

She began sharing photos of herself on platforms like Instagram, where her striking beauty and fashion-forward aesthetic quickly captured the attention of users.

Rise to Fame: India’s rise to fame coincided with the emergence of social media as a powerful platform for self-expression and influence.

Her captivating photos and engaging content resonated with audiences, leading to a significant increase in her follower count and online presence.

As her popularity grew, India gained recognition as a prominent figure in the world of social media and fashion.

Fashion and Style: Throughout her early life, India cultivated a unique sense of style characterized by bold fashion choices, innovative hairstyles, and fearless experimentation with makeup and accessories.

Her distinct aesthetic resonated with fans worldwide, earning her admiration and acclaim within the fashion community.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: Driven by her passion for fashion and entrepreneurship, India pursued opportunities to expand her brand and diversify her income streams.

She launched her own fashion line, leveraging her influence and expertise to create clothing and accessories that reflected her personal style and resonated with her audience.

India Royale Career

India Royale’s career is characterized by her multifaceted roles as a social media influencer, model, reality television personality, and entrepreneur.

With her distinctive style, captivating presence, and entrepreneurial spirit, India has made significant strides in the fashion and entertainment industries, establishing herself as a prominent figure with a global following.

Social Media Influence: India’s career took off with the rise of social media platforms, particularly Instagram, where she gained fame for her stunning photos and engaging content.

As her follower count grew, so did her influence, attracting the attention of major fashion brands and photographers seeking to collaborate with her.

India’s ability to curate visually appealing content and connect with her audience has solidified her status as a top social media influencer.

Modeling: India’s striking beauty and fashion-forward style have led to numerous opportunities in the modeling industry.

She has worked with renowned fashion brands, appeared in magazines, and participated in high-profile photo shoots and fashion shows.

India’s success as a model has allowed her to expand her reach and visibility within the fashion community, further enhancing her career prospects.

Reality Television: India gained widespread recognition for her appearance on the reality television series “The Westbrooks,” which aired on the BET network.

The show offered viewers a glimpse into the lives of India and her sisters as they navigated fame, relationships, and personal growth. India’s presence on reality television helped elevate her profile and introduce her to a broader audience.

Entrepreneurship: Driven by her passion for fashion and entrepreneurship, India has ventured into business ownership.

She launched her own fashion line, leveraging her personal brand and style to create clothing and accessories that resonate with her audience.

Through strategic branding and marketing efforts, India has successfully established her fashion brand in the competitive industry, showcasing her business acumen and creativity.

India Royale Personal Life

India Royale, known for her dynamic presence on social media and in the entertainment industry, also maintains a private personal life outside of the spotlight.

While she shares glimpses of her lifestyle and experiences with her followers, specific details about her personal life are not extensively documented in public sources.

Family and Relationships: India Royale grew up in Illinois alongside her four sisters: Brooke, Morgan, Bree, and Crystal.

While she occasionally shares moments with her family on social media, she tends to keep details about her personal relationships private.

Hobbies and Interests: Outside of her career in fashion, modeling, and entertainment, India Royale may have a variety of hobbies and interests that she enjoys in her free time.

While she is passionate about her work and entrepreneurial pursuits, she likely finds balance by engaging in activities that bring her joy and relaxation, whether it’s traveling, exploring new cuisines, or spending time with loved ones.

Advocacy and Social Causes: India Royale is known for using her platform to raise awareness about social issues and advocate for causes close to her heart.

She has spoken out on topics such as body positivity, mental health awareness, and gender equality, using her influence to inspire positive change and empower others.

Privacy and Boundaries: Despite her public persona, India Royale values privacy and boundaries, choosing to share only select aspects of her personal life with her followers.

By maintaining a level of discretion, she can protect her privacy and maintain control over her narrative, ensuring that she feels comfortable and respected in both her professional and personal spheres.


India Royale’s journey from social media sensation to fashion icon and entrepreneur exemplifies the power of self-expression, determination, and innovation.

Through her savvy business acumen, creative vision, and magnetic personality, she has carved out a unique niche in the fashion and entertainment industries.

As she continues to evolve professionally and personally, India Royale’s influence and impact are sure to endure, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion and beyond.


What is India Royale’s net worth?

India Royale’s net worth is estimated $2 Million, reflecting her success as a social media influencer, model, reality television personality, and entrepreneur.

How does India Royale earn income?

India Royale earns income through various channels, including sponsored content on social media, modeling contracts, appearances on reality television shows, and revenue from her fashion brand.

Additionally, she may generate income through endorsements, brand collaborations, and other entrepreneurial ventures.

What is India Royale’s primary source of income?

While India Royale’s income is derived from multiple sources, her primary source of income is likely her career as a social media influencer.

Through sponsored content, brand partnerships, and endorsements on platforms like Instagram, India Royale can monetize her large following and engagement.

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