James Khuri is an American multi-millionaire businessman. Glowing 2020 Forbes has described James as a serial entrepreneur.

James is currently holding responsibility as a CEO of two big companies; FJ Holdings and Khuri Enterprises. 

James Khuri Net Worth

James Khuri’s net worth is around $400 Million. James Khuri is associated with Famous Birthdays, a website that provides information about celebrities and notable individuals

Full NameJames Khuri
Birth DateDecember 26, 1977
Birth PlaceUnited States
Marital StatusDivorced
Net Worth$400 Million

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James Khuri Assets

James Khuri’s assets, including properties, investments, and other financial holdings, were not readily available in the public domain.

James Khuri is associated with the company Famous Birthdays, and information about his personal financial details may not be as extensively covered in the media compared to more widely recognized figures.

James Khuri Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$400 Million
Net Worth in 2023$390 Million
Net Worth in 2022$385 Million
Net Worth in 2021$380 Million
Net Worth in 2020$375 Million
Net Worth in 2019$370 Million

James Khuri’s net worth growth over time is available above. James Khuri is associated with Famous Birthdays.

James Khuri Early Life & Background

James Khuri is associated with Famous Birthdays, a website that provides information about celebrities and notable individuals.

However, personal details about his early life may not be as extensively covered in the media compared to more widely recognized figures.

James Khuri Career

James Khuri is known for his association with Famous Birthdays, a website that provides information about celebrities and notable individuals.

While specific details about his career path and roles may not be extensively covered in the public domain, his involvement with Famous Birthdays suggests a focus on the digital space and the entertainment industry.

Famous Birthdays is a platform that allows users to explore information about the birthdays of celebrities, influencers, and other public figures. Users can find details such as birthdates, ages, and brief biographies of various personalities.

James Khuri’s career is likely connected to the development and management of Famous Birthdays, where he may have played a key role in the platform’s growth and success.

James Khuri Personal Life

James Khuri’s personal life, such as his family, relationships, or other aspects of his private life, were not readily available in the public domain.

James Khuri is associated with Famous Birthdays, and individuals who work behind the scenes in digital platforms or businesses may not have as much personal information publicly disclosed compared to those in the spotlight.


What Factors Contribute to an Individual’s Net Worth?

Net worth is influenced by various factors, including career earnings, investments, real estate holdings, business ventures, and other financial assets.

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