Marjorie Taylor Greene has been a controversial figure in American politics, known for her staunch conservative views and unapologetic support of former President Donald Trump.

Beyond her political endeavors, questions about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth often arise, given her prominence in the media and her business background.

This article aims to explore Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth, her sources of income, and other pertinent financial details

Marjorie Taylor Greene Net Worth

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth is around $10 Million. These assets include her ownership stakes in various businesses, real estate holdings, and investment portfolios.

However, it’s essential to note that her net worth may have fluctuated since then due to changes in asset values and income.

Full NameMarjorie Taylor Greene
Birth DateMay 27, 1974
Birth Place Georgia, United States
ProfessionPolitician, Businesswoman
Marital StatusDivorce
Net Worth$10 Million

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Assets

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in American politics, has accumulated a diverse portfolio of assets through her business ventures and investments. These assets contribute significantly to her net worth.

Here is an overview of her key assets

Real Estate Holdings: Marjorie Taylor Greene owns several properties, including both commercial and residential real estate. These properties are significant contributors to her overall net worth.

Her real estate portfolio includes

Residential Properties: Greene owns homes in Georgia, including her primary residence. These properties add substantial value to her asset base.

Commercial Properties: As part of her business ventures, Greene has invested in commercial real estate, including properties related to her construction company.

Business Ventures: One of Greene’s primary sources of wealth is her ownership stake in Taylor Commercial, Inc., a construction company founded by her father.

The company specializes in commercial construction and has been successful in securing various contracts, contributing to Greene’s financial stability and growth.

Greene has also been involved in the fitness industry. She owned a CrossFit gym, which provided additional income.

Although she sold her stake in the gym, her involvement in this business venture added to her overall financial portfolio.

Investments: According to her financial disclosures, Marjorie Taylor Greene has invested in various stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

These investments generate income through dividends and capital gains, contributing to her net worth. Her investment portfolio includes holdings in diverse sectors, providing her with a steady stream of passive income.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2024$10 Million
Net Worth in 2023$9.7 Million
Net Worth in 2022$9.3 Million
Net Worth in 2021$9 Million
Net Worth in 2020$8.5 Million
Net Worth in 2019$8 Million

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth has seen significant growth over the years, largely due to her diverse business ventures and strategic investments.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Early Life and Background

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent and often controversial figure in American politics, has roots that trace back to a small town in Georgia.

Her early life, education, and initial forays into the business world laid the foundation for her later career in politics

Early Life and Family Background: Marjorie Taylor Greene was born on May 27, 1974, in Milledgeville, Georgia.

She grew up in this small, close-knit community, which provided her with a traditional Southern upbringing.

Greene’s family played a significant role in shaping her values and work ethic. Her father, Robert Taylor, was an entrepreneur who founded Taylor Commercial, a successful construction company.

Growing up, Marjorie was exposed to the business world through her father’s company, which influenced her later career choices.

Education: Greene attended South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia. During her high school years, she was involved in various activities and began developing the strong, outspoken personality she is known for today.

After high school, Greene went on to attend the University of Georgia. She graduated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree.

Her time at the university equipped her with the knowledge and skills necessary for managing and expanding a business.

Early Career: Post-graduation, Marjorie Taylor Greene started working at Taylor Commercial, the family business.

Over time, she took on increasing responsibilities, eventually co-owning and managing the company.

Taylor Commercial specializes in commercial construction, and Greene’s involvement helped her gain significant experience in business management and operations.

Foundation for Political Career: Throughout her early life and career, Greene was actively involved in her local community.

Her experiences in business and as a community member provided a solid foundation for her later entry into politics.

CrossFit Gym Ownership: In addition to her role at Taylor Commercial, Greene ventured into the fitness industry.

She became a co-owner of a CrossFit gym. This endeavor allowed her to diversify her business interests and develop a presence in the health and fitness community.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Career

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s career has spanned business ventures and a prominent role in American politics.

Known for her outspoken views and controversial statements, Greene has made a significant impact since entering the political arena.

Here’s a detailed look at her career trajectory

Business Ventures: Greene began her career in the family construction business, Taylor Commercial, Inc., founded by her father, Robert Taylor.

The company, based in Alpharetta, Georgia, specializes in commercial construction projects. Greene played a crucial role in managing and expanding the business, gaining extensive experience in business operations and entrepreneurship.

In addition to her work in construction, Greene ventured into the fitness industry. She co-owned a CrossFit gym, which further diversified her business portfolio and allowed her to engage with the health and fitness community. This business experience broadened her entrepreneurial skills and provided additional financial stability.

Entry into Politics: Marjorie Taylor Greene entered the political spotlight in 2020 when she ran for the U.S. House of Representatives.

She initially declared her candidacy for Georgia’s 6th congressional district but later switched to the 14th district after the incumbent, Tom Graves, announced his retirement.

Greene ran a campaign heavily aligned with former President Donald Trump’s platform, emphasizing conservative values, Second Amendment rights, and strong anti-socialism stances.

Despite facing criticism for her controversial statements and support for conspiracy theories, Greene won the Republican primary and subsequently the general election, securing her seat in Congress.

Tenure in Congress: Since taking office in January 2021, Marjorie Taylor Greene has been a polarizing figure in Congress.

She has garnered national attention for her controversial statements and actions, including her support for QAnon conspiracy theories, her opposition to COVID-19 safety measures, and her vocal criticism of the Democratic Party.

Greene has introduced several pieces of legislation, although her proposals often reflect her hardline conservative views and have faced significant opposition from her Democratic colleagues.

Some of her legislative efforts include attempts to impeach President Joe Biden and defund certain federal agencies.

In February 2021, Greene was stripped of her committee assignments by the House of Representatives in response to her past incendiary statements and support for violence against political opponents.

This move limited her direct influence on legislative processes but did not diminish her vocal presence in Congress.

Public Persona and Media Presence: Greene maintains a strong presence on social media, using platforms like Twitter and Facebook to communicate directly with her supporters.

Her posts often include inflammatory rhetoric and have contributed to her notoriety both within and outside her political base.

Greene frequently appears on conservative media outlets, where she continues to promote her views and defend her actions. These appearances help her maintain visibility and influence among her supporters.

Legal and Ethical Controversies: Throughout her political career, Greene has faced multiple legal and ethical controversies.

These include investigations into her campaign finances, lawsuits related to her statements and actions, and widespread criticism for her conduct in office.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Personal Life

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s personal life has been as dynamic as her public career, blending family commitments with her business and political endeavors.

Here’s a detailed look into her personal life

Early Years and Family Background: Marjorie Taylor Greene was born on May 27, 1974, in Milledgeville, Georgia.

She was raised in a close-knit family with strong traditional values, which have significantly influenced her personal and political outlook.

Education and Early Adulthood: Greene attended South Forsyth High School in Cumming, Georgia, before enrolling at the University of Georgia.

She graduated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. Her time at the university helped shape her business acumen and leadership skills.

Marriage and Family: In 1995, Marjorie married Perry Greene. Perry, a successful businessman, has supported Marjorie in her various ventures. Together, they have three children.

The couple’s long-standing marriage and family life are often highlighted in Marjorie’s public persona, reflecting her commitment to family values.

Marjorie and Perry Greene have three children, whose names and details are kept relatively private. She often speaks about her role as a mother, emphasizing the importance of family in her life.

Business Ventures: Greene’s early career was deeply intertwined with her family’s business, Taylor Commercial, Inc., where she gained extensive experience in commercial construction. Her business success provided a stable foundation for her and her family.

Fitness and Health: Greene is a fitness enthusiast and was a co-owner of a CrossFit gym. Her involvement in the fitness industry not only diversified her business interests but also promoted a healthy lifestyle. Greene’s dedication to fitness is a significant aspect of her personal life.

Community Engagement: Before entering politics, Greene was actively involved in her local community.

Her participation in various community activities and business networks helped her build a strong local presence and connect with constituents on a personal level.

Political Engagement and Public Image: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s transition from business to politics marked a significant shift in her personal life.

Her outspoken nature and controversial views have made her a prominent figure in the Republican Party. Despite facing criticism and controversy, Greene’s family has remained a central aspect of her life, often referenced in her speeches and public appearances.

Personal Beliefs and Controversies: Greene’s personal life is deeply rooted in conservative values.

Her beliefs on family, religion, and politics often reflect traditional conservative principles, which she champions both personally and professionally.

Greene has faced significant public scrutiny and controversy due to her statements and actions.

Despite this, she maintains a strong support base and continues to be an influential figure in conservative circles.


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth reflects her diverse business interests and her relatively short but eventful political career.

While her financial disclosures provide some insight into her assets and income sources, her exact net worth remains subject to speculation.

As she continues to navigate the political landscape and engage in public discourse, questions about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s wealth are likely to persist.


Is Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth?

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth is around $10 Million. These assets include her ownership stakes in various businesses, real estate holdings, and investment portfolios.

How did Marjorie Taylor Greene build her wealth?

Greene built her wealth through several channels

Business Ventures: Her ownership and management roles in the family construction business, Taylor Commercial, Inc., have been significant contributors.

Real Estate Investments: Greene owns several residential and commercial properties that have appreciated in value over time.

Fitness Industry: Her previous ownership of a CrossFit gym added to her income streams.

Investments: She has diversified investments in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

What role does Taylor Commercial, Inc. play in her net worth?

Taylor Commercial, Inc., the construction company founded by her father and later co-managed by Greene, has been a major source of her income and financial stability. The company’s success in commercial construction contracts significantly contributes to her net worth.

Has her political career impacted her net worth?

While her congressional salary of $174,000 adds to her income, her political career has also brought additional opportunities such as media appearances and potential book deals, which can further impact her net worth positively.

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